Whitefish Trail Berms
The club has always been a huge supporter of the Whitefish Trail and reliably helps out on organized trail maintenance days. However, after riding the trail many times, the club couldn’t help but imagine what a little berming could do in some key locations, so in the spring of 2012 FAMB coordinated with the city to rebuild all the corners on a section of trail above Skyles Lake. The trail section saw heavy skidder traffic as a loading zone during the last round of timber harvest and was begging for a tuneup. Club members bermed and rounded all the corners in this particular draw. Now it still walks fine, but runs and rides like a dream!
Beaver Lakes Trail Maintenance
In May, 2017, FAMB volunteers helped conduct ongoing trail maintenance out at the Beaver Lakes trails on the Whitefish Trail.
Haskill Basin Trail Tread Work
In October 2017, FAMB volunteers showed up in droves at the Reservoir Trailhead to help finish the new Haskill Basin Trail. What a great ride this is!! Grab a shuttle up to Whitefish Mountain Resort, ride all the way down to Reservoir Trailhead, and try to wipe that smile off your face afterwards!!
Swift Creek Trailhead
In May, 2018, FAMB volunteers repainted the pit toilet at the Swift Creek trailhead after it was vandalized. We also conducted minor trail tread work at the trail entrance.
Preserving and advancing mountain bike activities in the Flathead Valley.
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